portfolio for notion (portfolio, cv, projects, blogs)

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Introducing the ultimate Notion Portfolio Template, designed to serve as a fully functional website and exportable resource. Perfect for professionals, freelancers, and creatives, this template leverages Notion's powerful features to create a versatile and organized portfolio. Showcase your projects, blogs, tools, services, and links with ease, using special pre-made templates and detailed guidance for seamless content creation.

Key Features

  • Fully Customizable Layout:
    • Tailor the template to fit your unique style and needs. Easily adjust sections, change colors, and add your personal touch.
  • Multi-Section Portfolio:
    • Organize your portfolio into distinct sections for projects, blogs, tools, services, and links. Navigate effortlessly between different areas of your work.
  • Exportable Content:
    • Export your entire portfolio or specific sections as PDFs or HTML, making it easy to share your work offline or as a standalone website.
  • Special Pre-Made Templates:
    • Utilize our professionally designed templates for projects and blogs, complete with step-by-step guidance to streamline your content creation process.


  1. Projects:
    • Project Gallery:
      • Display all your projects in an organized gallery format.
    • Individual Project Pages:
      • Detailed pages for each project with sections for the project overview, your role, tools used, process, learnings, results, and visuals.
    • Pre-Made Project Template:
      • Includes fields for Topic, Subtopic, My Role, Tools, Learnings, Process (Planning, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), and Visuals.
  2. Blogs:
    • Blog List:
      • List all your blog posts with titles and brief descriptions.
    • Individual Blog Pages:
      • In-depth pages for each blog post, including introduction, main content, insights, visuals, and conclusion.
    • Pre-Made Blog Template:
      • Structured with sections for Blog Title, Introduction, Background, Main Content (with subheadings), Insights and Analysis, Visual Aids, Conclusion, Call to Action, Additional Resources, and Author Bio.
  3. Tools:
    • Tools Overview:
      • List and describe the tools and software you use frequently in your work.
    • Individual Tool Pages:
      • Detailed pages for each tool, including its purpose, how you use it, benefits, and any tips or resources.
  4. Services:
    • Service Offerings:
      • Showcase the services you provide with descriptions and pricing (if applicable).
    • Service Details Pages:
      • Detailed pages for each service, explaining what you offer, the process, and client testimonials.
  5. Links:
    • Links Collection:
      • Organize important links such as your personal website, LinkedIn profile, online portfolios, and other relevant resources.
    • Link Description Pages:
      • Detailed pages for each link, explaining why it is significant and how it relates to your work.

Notion Features

  • Drag-and-Drop Editing:
    • Easily rearrange sections and content with Notion's intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Database Integration:
    • Utilize Notion's powerful database features to organize and filter your projects, blogs, and tools.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Share your portfolio with clients, collaborators, or employers, and allow them to comment or edit as needed.
  • Real-Time Syncing:
    • Access and update your portfolio from any device with real-time syncing across all your devices.
  • Embed Content:
    • Embed multimedia content such as videos, audio, and interactive elements directly into your pages.
  • Custom Templates:
    • Create and save your own templates for recurring content types, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Getting Started

  1. Duplicate the Template:
    • Start by duplicating the Notion Portfolio Template to your Notion workspace.
  2. Customize Your Portfolio:
    • Adjust the layout, colors, and content to match your personal brand and style.
  3. Add Your Content:
    • Populate the sections with your projects, blog posts, tools, services, and links using the pre-made templates and guidance.
  4. Export and Share:
    • Export your portfolio as a PDF or HTML file, or share it directly from Notion with potential clients or employers.

Embrace the power of Notion to create a comprehensive and polished portfolio that showcases your work in the best possible light. Whether you're a freelancer, creative professional, or entrepreneur, this template provides all the tools and guidance you need to make a lasting impression.

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Portfolio, About page , CV , Resume , Blog and Project Template with integrated database, individual templates , perfect for custumisation for any profession but good for proffessionals and freelancers , can be exported and print

CV/Resume Template
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portfolio for notion (portfolio, cv, projects, blogs)

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